The world is a wonderful and fascinating place, isn't it?  So many unique
countries and individuals.  Not only do we love people, places and cultures, but we also love languages!  So what's you YOUR native language? (Take the poll at the end.)

  • The actual number of languages spoken in the world is difficult to calculate. One of the problems is that of the definition of what constitutes a language. This leads to the following range in answers: According to the National Virtual Translation Center, there are about 6,900 languages in the world. 
  • The Ethnologue organization's current catalog includes 6,809 distinct languages.
  • The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language says that estimates of total living languages in the world vary from 3,000 to 10,000.
  • Voegelins' Classification and Index of the World's Languages (1977) lists 20,000 languages and dialects, grouped into about 4,500 living languages.
  • No exact figure exists, and we are losing languages every year, as only living speakers die. But a good estimate is about 6,800 languages, according to the Linguistic Society of America. - answers

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